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12:19 29/10/2014


08:18 29/10/2014

No probs. Not reported on UK TV.

08:18 29/10/2014
08:17 29/10/2014
08:17 29/10/2014
08:13 29/10/2014

Still, might be worth a trade I guess.

08:13 29/10/2014

Plus China has been taking a very aggressive stance regarding territorial claims in the south China sea this year. Claimed most of it as their own territory. Sent drill ships to drill in disputed water surrounded by navy. Sunk Vietnam boats. FEP's main bit of candy is in deadlock over dispute with China. Hmm.

08:10 29/10/2014

. A little surprised at the reaction here. The Galoc production upgrade was known ages ago. So this is old news IMO.

08:08 29/10/2014


15:21 28/10/2014

IRG up again.
