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08 May 2015
15:30 09/05/2015

Forgive me to breaking up the excitement, i'm just a little nervous as it's a complicated situation to understand and I just can't convince myself that there won't be some sort of mechanism to stop this being pursued by parties at risk here

15:28 09/05/2015

As a newbie to this game, and invested in this share, as much as I am excited about the coming week I would like to see more discussion about issues like Vascular has raised. I want to be fully aware of the lines of thought possibly being followed by BOD and any parties that could stand to lose out here. I'm sure we all agree that this is obviously not a sustainable price increase so we should all be trying to figure out what's might happen to bring this down to earth BEFORE the EGM. Not saying it's gonna happen, but i'm a little worried at the lack of discussion on the variables in such a volatile situation

07:42 08/05/2015

I'm also wondering whether to hold off for possible shake out during first hour.....

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