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08:54 21/02/2014
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Well I bought in at 1.25 average so I'm not making jack but just bought some barc yesterday at 252 looks like there bad news has been forgotten already ah the good old corrupt banks and system

11:43 20/02/2014

being in at an average of 1.25 I'm holding on whats 3 more months a lol

11:42 20/02/2014

really you have a few choices depending on the size of the gohenez, top up, sell off or hold on tight

09:25 20/02/2014


13:27 19/02/2014

Oakmount-he cant see your posts

13:05 19/02/2014

I know for the long run this is safe but looking at this price fall today im $h1tting bricks at the moment

11:33 19/02/2014

anyone know the actual figures of the divi payments and when they start? thanks

09:22 19/02/2014

djryan must be a paid de ramper

15:54 18/02/2014

thinking about it I agree when before this opened today I thought the worst was over, I'm trying to catch a falling knife never a good idea

15:46 18/02/2014

I'm in at an average of 1.30..ouch I have a positive belief though this will come back, not anytime soon but when results are due around May time, the only decision I'm struggling to make is how much more to top up
