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16:52 15/08/2014

Yes avm june figure is 1246, so need an increase in pog, which at the moment seems unlikely, even though some commentators ppredicting huge rises in 2015.

16:28 15/08/2014

This share is positioned perfectly for mms to make short term gains with little risk.

16:26 15/08/2014

Hardly surprising the slight drop, Many of us been here before with tantalising cc .

19:13 12/08/2014

Assets falling , Asset value per share lowest of all the large competition, need I go on, Oh and Buffet dumping the shares months ago,

19:10 12/08/2014

Re >>Why the fall. Falling profits, market share, giant sheds on out of town sites.

19:06 12/08/2014

Re gforb,, If this is the gforb from yonkers New York, it explains the provocative nature of the beast, to our friend Siko

21:03 11/08/2014

Rumors started , by the likes of Huff post, anything for a story. Anyway the yanks lawyers will soon be on it ,if they can make some brass,no matter how. l

21:01 11/08/2014

Re Lupo, totally agree ,saw that scare months ago.

08:11 11/08/2014

Fire $25 m ,..I wonder who was the insurance company ? Bet it was one o mine!!

16:29 10/08/2014

In the past few weeks, very few companies have gone up in price, because of the jitters that overtakes the market ,every time there is a crisis. The crisis is the state of the EU and US . And fears of war in Ukraine the middle east , which gives the market manipulators an excuse for panicking everyone into selling their shares cheap
