RE:You dont want to know. I feel very un easy. Just canceled buy order on BP , which I suspect would have gone thro tomorrow morn. Something is definately afoot.Be interesting to see what gold does in asia tonight
I suspect Elliot, "advised" , the wage reduction and hence the strike. Better than shutting down ,saves face.and cash.
It would be nice if Blue Crest caught a cold. But it would be their poor investors picking up the bill. I am sure a lot on here have experienced that !!
No spectalular buys ,but modest size steady buys with little sells, apart from a couple of 100 pound sells, always makes me chuckle , the commision percentage is collossal
Wondered whether the yanks had nuked isis or something like.
gold just passed 1230.Whats going on, anyone know.
Think a more realistic price will be round 70p. I do not consider Burkino Fasa a good area to start prospecting .The nubian shield would have been more logical there is plenty of it!!