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mog's Posts

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22:30 06/01/2016

To start again.

22:29 06/01/2016

Now is the tme for the boiler house.

22:50 19/12/2015

Unless of course you work directly or other for ACP BOD. HA HA

22:38 19/12/2015

It seems no. But then my internet is slow ,being a little remote! So have a happy christmas

22:35 19/12/2015

any thing of interest to add.

22:33 19/12/2015

so who is the other on here.

00:39 18/12/2015

Been watching , too much star wars. Methinks.

22:10 25/11/2015

newbuoy, no doubt you thought a cheap share. Be patient ,and wait now for AU to rise again. As it inevitably will. Eventually.Cather and the rest of BOD are powerless as most miners ,till this happens!!

21:54 25/11/2015

Alfakharany, If it is proven .Should be stripped of ill gained assets, .But I have no doubt that in time this may happen. Unfortunately it may take years, but as long,as a proven case . That is justice.

21:49 25/11/2015

Siko , Thank you. My heart goes out to the young drivers family. Mining is dangerous, all investors should appreciate this, above short term profits.
