martomarto's Posts

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18:20 23/04/2014

does anyone know the total of open shorts (including this week? I guess they all have to close at some stage, and there seem to be massive volumes of stock to find. Won't this put upward pressure on the SP? Or am I just stupid?

18:16 23/04/2014

Does anyone know if the Roble short is still open?

22:44 17/04/2014

This is just a classy share. Hold on for great things, but, as the Harry Potter film says, ' it's going to be a bumpy ride' - 'cos of AIM.

22:58 02/04/2014

maybe Roble didn't do so bad on their short after all? Or maybe they knew something we didn't. Shrewd move anyway.

22:53 26/03/2014

TD Waterhouse have them nowhere in the buys and 7 in the sells for w/e 24/3. Maybe Roble is a client!

22:46 26/03/2014

Who here is brave enough to post a guess at closing price for Monday? Muffins for the winner who gets it right!!

22:39 21/02/2014

Anyone feeling injured today should phone Accident Advice Helpline. Real Investors are much cleverer than this (since may 2012) GLA and IMO stick with this classy stock.
