Loums's Posts

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09:08 05/06/2014

Bought at £30 amazing

16:52 30/05/2014

Doubled my holding this week with low 19 buys GLA DYOR

16:20 28/05/2014

Average slowing creeping down now to 27 hence still underwater (but only on paper)

16:20 28/05/2014

Bought another £2k at 19.09

14:31 28/05/2014

false alarm

10:37 28/05/2014

Shake what ya mamma gave ya

10:02 28/05/2014

topped up at 19.49 - getting my average down under 30 now. Sitting tight for future good news and steady climb back to what a reasonable market valuation should be

09:23 28/05/2014

Can't get anything through HL this morning

12:01 27/05/2014

was that the 1.32?

08:02 27/05/2014

up 25% in 4 minutes
