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16:02 10/12/2014

The share will drop. Maybe RED was right about 30c maybe less now. If it touches 20c buy more to average your price down. It will drop gradually. It is all about critical mass so that any bit of positive news makes you a few bills. Then you slowly take money off the table and wait for a few gentlemen to take the company seriously and make us money.

15:57 10/12/2014

Those mothers. Don't panic. There is still vele. The share just won't be a R10 share. More like a R5 share. 7 years plus has now turned into 10 years plus.

20:22 08/12/2014

Thanks borrie. I need to rest up for next year.

20:20 08/12/2014

30 cents is too low. It will reach 40 then we double down. If this turns around we will be driving Bentleys. Just choose a colour.

09:47 08/12/2014

This is AC.

09:46 08/12/2014

The company has potential. It has the huge coal reserve. Borrie I will purchase next year. Going on a holiday break now. Take care.
