loosing twice my £15 k shares , and as employee , s......t before chrismas
Drone. You hired vessels long before they due arrive to Freetown , those OGV's are for AMI stuff , trains are full lenth , 4 loco 300 cars, when left few days ago , saw it
one train during day , one during night , Dracula is making money soon, Half millions ton , to Rotterdam . big turkey for Chrismas for him
trains are moving with Marampa product only , full trains 4 loco with 300 wagons , Tonkolili shut down
Waalhaven O.Z. 85 Port number 2204 3087 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands show in google maps T Work +31 88 076 4800 (24/7) F Fax +31 88 076 4801 (24/7) E [email protected]
Beltship Management Limited Le Patio Palace 41, Avenue Hector Otto Monaco, MC 98000 Telephone (Office) (+377) 97 97 80 90 Email: [email protected]