linkoping's Posts

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08:27 17/12/2016

ToR has not delivered one positive yet ..

08:26 17/12/2016

Jennings letter is probably what most shareholders are thinking.. More power to him for saying his piece

18:30 06/12/2016

460000 shares at 12p a share, isn't exactly ground breaking stuff

17:22 23/11/2016

its like salt in the wounds reading the comment...'watch this space' he would say it

16:08 27/10/2016

its safe to say after all the supposed majors were in the data room to have a look all those years ago and still no sale..that Broe is now a dead duck

14:27 07/10/2016

minus a farm out that provides cash flow for the company..then roll on the next fund raise while they blow what they have in the bank drilling holes.. This will probably recover but will it even matter.. more shares issued and I'd imagine might go the opposite way.. you'll get back 1 for 10..

22:27 03/10/2016

Things get good here it better get good for everyone small and major shareholders alike. unlike Xcite

22:26 03/10/2016

check out what happened Xcite Energy.. hope we don't end up on the same path.. although they had serious debt. point is when if things

14:44 22/06/2016

Davy were up beat when they valued each share at a potential

15:18 26/05/2016

It's gone beyond comparing PVR with any other company. looking solely at PVR we are screwed if this share issue takes place
