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18:51 14/03/2015

Gentlemen I'm fed with people downing this management they have discovered many good assets and your arguements will all change if farmout goes through remember tullow could not get a farmout for their huge Ten field but they were able to do it huge loans thats why their shares have dropped too and also the problem with the Ivory Coast good luck

18:43 14/03/2015

Gentlemen I'

09:02 10/03/2015

TORs statement on SP drilling doesnt look good for near future development he states no eguipment availabilty no finance available no farminee available -this drilling was due in 2014 and cairn not available due to scottish committments hope all the money is going into BR. good luck.

17:55 09/03/2015

Are people forgetting that there could be 300 mboe in the ground are they going even check that is there because sombody will and at 20 $ abarrel profit which is not excessive where it at a depth of 200 m. thats 6 billion profit whatever we say about pvr their pretty good at exploration remembet the porpcupine .newgrange dunquin drumbeg are huge structures and if they have oil whow.

10:53 09/03/2015

Hi Callasjunkie interesting info you have me worried lets see what happens in the couple of weeks.

09:49 09/03/2015

good luck Mmmmmm -l thought insider trading was benificial info re shares from whatever source outside the public domain which allowed the receiver whether shares were going up or down.t

09:32 09/03/2015

hi everyone just purchased my full entitlement and some extra but could hsve bought have boughtt another 400,000 goodbodys are to come back to me re corp.shareholders to see if they have the same deal

08:42 09/03/2015

lf segua bought shares in pvr it will be seen as insider trading if the price goes up

10:21 07/03/2015

hi Spuddy the doc. l got from goodbodys clearly stated that if l purchased my full entitlement ie. division of my shares by4.4 l could then purchase my original holding by 20 and they even stated the amount and the money this deal must apply to everyone including the corp. shareholders by the way it allowed me to pur chsse an extra 400,000 share option stated on ghe letter.

17:42 06/03/2015

if the large shareholders own 55 mil. shares and they take up their full entitlrment which is 12.5 mil at 34c(55÷ 4.4) they are now entitled to to purchase 20 times their original shareholding of 55mil. which is 1.1 billion shares add this to the 67.5 mil.shares + 10 mil owned by the retail holders like me and that adds up to 1.177 billion shares could be some dilution?
