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01 Feb 2015
17:54 14/08/2017

SKC hi-tech & marketing The successful mass production of dots film began to supply to the mainland TV industry Chen Bozhen 2017-07-17 SKC hi-tech & marketing, a subsidiary of South Korean film industry SKC hi-tech & marketing, has successfully brought quantum dot film (QDEF) into commercialization. The product has begun to ship to mainland TV industry, officially open to the long-term exclusive market 3M.

17:53 14/08/2017

Notice Skc now brought Qdot film to the Chinese market and is shipping

11:22 08/10/2016

Yes, new accounting practice, or told to change. But anyway, that 1.2 million still in the bank from Wah Hong. Think the Merck payment was in August so that will have arrived by now. But looking forward, what's important is Runcorn moving to full production and more exciting Dow supplying LG early 2017. After all LG have said publicly that they intend to launch a new range of Qdot TV's next year. Further out maybe Samsung will come on board. That Merck factory a way off though.

14:33 05/10/2016

Also note Epistar moving into Qdot tech. Wonder who they'll source their Qdots from. Taiwan co...[link]

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