kezzman's Posts

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14:06 16/04/2015

its all just politics once the game has been played out and the people have been smoozed by the politicians some back handers here and there then business as usual and share price back up

08:45 16/04/2015

the big guns always get a sniff of the bad news before the masses

08:44 16/04/2015

explains the recent big 100k sells

08:41 16/04/2015

this news was not expected locked in profits and will wait until volatility dies down another bump in the road

08:39 16/04/2015

as van said this is a bummer

08:38 16/04/2015

yes but this was unexpected

08:37 16/04/2015

once the herd here this news price will fall even more

08:36 16/04/2015

still tanking i'm out

15:19 09/04/2015

It is expected that Admission will become effective and dealings in the new Ordinary Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 10 April 2015. Only states expected so could be next week?

15:11 09/04/2015

1,166,667 new Ordinary Shares admitted to trading tomorrow 8am will we see a dip in share price tomorrow?
