This is the dog of aim going now we're fast but scre wing pi,s
Pii,s well shaffed Fastjet rips us all off
Pii,s well shaffed thanks ed you toss er ripped us all off robbed
All ww need now is the massive rns to tie us in to that massive Apple
Not long now watch this space a very very very very big apple not long now
Have you lot seen the yanks facebook page and latest video tablettv working in Apple store New York not long now not long now smell all the reddys not long now
Don't forget boys there also in bed with Google and other big names they are just making you jumpy my question is why have barclays,s not sold out and others backers they now the bigger picture is big we are only small fish in a massive pond they now this company is going to be very big
The future is motive telivision not long now