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12:37 19/11/2015

IOMRON, It's about time that GDL got their act together, I'm expecting a far better news flow, as GDL have had the time and resources to get the 30 well programme on tract. GLA

13:40 13/11/2015

hello Skooby, good to hear from you. You are spot on, and may GDL be the provider and lets have some good news flow too. GLA Chris

10:31 13/11/2015

well its been a while and trust all holders are well, I'm hoping that we shall get some news before Christmas.GLA

11:47 26/10/2015

gmcc, well put Sir !

12:17 22/10/2015

Onion, as you are not a holder, and don't appear interested to be a holder, and looks very much like you have not followed CHL, It begs the question why are you on the BB ?

10:53 22/10/2015

Good morning CHL campers, are we on the move up? it would be good to receive some positives this side of Christmas GLA

11:12 19/10/2015

Hello Fregatr, I see you are both fan of GDL, looks like we like long shots !

15:28 13/10/2015

Orbitor, Clifford Chance are the real deal for this type of litigation, perhaps the previous team were not in the same league.

10:37 13/10/2015

Re: Deeply Concerned, I take some comfort knowing that Clifford Chance would probably not have taken the CHL case unless there was merit. I'm a long term holder and will stay till the end result

16:02 05/10/2015

mikemike, thank you for highlighting the real position !
