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14:54 10/03/2014

Copper down 13%, Zinc down 7% in 12 months. Will be waiting forever for the rise draven, likely to drift lower.

21:52 08/03/2014

"enabling/ground works"

21:52 08/03/2014

Site works is enabling/round works preperation it is NOT the construction of the plant. Pilot testing is happening elsewhere. Now it sounds like its South Africa so the latest story goes. Who would risk spending millions of dollars on plant without first getting confirmation it was acceptable by the Authorities. Get real lads.

14:20 07/03/2014

Used yours sincerely with me before now so he likes to mix it up a bit, what a rebel lol

14:19 07/03/2014

scotch another paranoid LSE poster, he may of got one of his side kicks to do it anyway.

13:02 07/03/2014

Posted by scotch earlier.

13:02 07/03/2014

I have just spoken to a very nice gentleman at ZEMA. Here is where we are: The EIS is out for public consultation with submissions due in on March 21st. After this there is a public hearing in Kabwe on April 11th. Following this, later in April - though he would not give me the precise date- the ZEMA board will meet and give its decision..yes, no or yes with conditions....so that hopefully is clear to all and why MA could not be this specific is beyond me.

12:53 07/03/2014

In the dark, over invested and just cant face up to it

12:50 07/03/2014

.....looks like someone is in far to deep....

12:24 07/03/2014

Shadenfreuden (not Shadenfreude) I'll get a life if you will
