jmh's Posts

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12:43 16/01/2015

What percent would 1p give us a rise by?

09:05 12/01/2015

Do yous expect this to drop back to lower levers again or do ee expect it to gain and level and stay there? Any thoughts?

15:37 28/12/2014

What does tcf stand for?

14:48 23/12/2014

Excellant news, however what is spudding?

14:46 23/12/2014

Has drilling and spudding commenced?

11:52 21/12/2014

Leggit1 :£1258 what is this figure? Im assuming not per share:-/

13:20 16/12/2014

Take over would be great... £2 a share or something stupid.. boom and merry christmas.!

13:12 09/12/2014

2x 1million trades, buys or sells?

12:29 09/12/2014

Can you explain what a GSA is please?

09:11 09/12/2014

If this is that good and sooo much potential why on earth does the share price continue to drop?
