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18:11 19/06/2014

RNS:: Thank you for the up dates on the DFS incuding the time frame on the delays..The rest of the information was to say the least a little bit "scary",will there be a tunnel?? [From where I am sitting seems a good plan to me,unfortunatly im sitting in my kitchen]..Wich valley to pick,,cant help there,wish I could!!! Now as to the fire sale [that's how it came across to me] the only imput for that is to get the best price.Last but not least,,some one some where in the company [ if you havnt got the person get one ] to go to any length to sell the company and its profile to the greater market to enable the share price to rise,The present format including the last RNS will not enhance the share price...amen J

20:02 16/06/2014

DFS;; When is that due to finish??.The team were due to visit site some time in April,Did that happen,again any up date?When will we start mining the gold,some one some where must have a note of the planned date..If you recall we were told there would be a delay of three years to the date of production,The share price took "a walk abouts",If we had some positive information/news,This may help the share price,plus it would help the shareholders,many of us,having been here some time,perhaps it would give Richard Rae some thing to get his teeth in to "help the share price" You can do this with some positive news..I am glad Ive got that of my chest!!! regards J

18:05 16/06/2014

Lingo:: Sorry about the "brummie "slip of the tongue" commintsn not intended,sorry!!!!!regards again J

18:01 16/06/2014

Pauline:: Where are you? In fact wheres every one gone? I know theres no news,lets have some interesting,constructive commints please....regards J

20:07 11/06/2014

Confidence;; That's better,still got a little bit of mess to clear up,,regards J

19:47 10/06/2014

MOG Shareholders,,I now know what a turkey feels like,late on Christmas eve...Any one seen a "white knight" any where..regards J

19:39 10/06/2014

Pauline;; Where are you?? We need your confident posts not some poodle,whoofing away!! mind the mess!!!Come on,lets have some some confidence thoughts and views,,regards J

19:20 10/06/2014

DRILL;; I thought the first drill was in june,if its july no wonder we have no drill dates.When we have that information,the s/p will adjust..regards J
