JD's Posts

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13:02 30/09/2014

i no nothing about this company

10:45 30/09/2014

quick meeting?

10:44 30/09/2014

2 large sells!

10:43 30/09/2014

oh had them switched off

10:43 30/09/2014


10:42 30/09/2014


10:18 30/09/2014

OMG i was just kidding that it wud tick down....fck me, i cud b a market maker if all they are doing is the opposit

10:17 30/09/2014

good opinion...do i have the balls

10:16 30/09/2014

oh look 2kworth of sells wathc it fall lol

10:16 30/09/2014

literally cant get a quote to sell ridiculous...
