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JD's Posts

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13:49 19/06/2014

yeah.... although i say i would turn grey...i feel for the people with verages above guy i talked to today has an average of 89p

13:48 19/06/2014

rem seems safe by potential but the down turn each time after spikes is less than convincing.... qpp and blnx like i said im so far in negative, i maybe grey by the time they turn blue for me lol

13:47 19/06/2014

ECR is something that im beginnning to question

13:46 19/06/2014

rose is a safe bet, if i remember ur average was around 2.1 righT?

13:46 19/06/2014

ive got Rose rem ecr qpp blnx

13:42 19/06/2014


13:41 19/06/2014

what u holding salop?

13:37 19/06/2014

scratch that 30 secs ago

13:37 19/06/2014

last buy was7mins ago...

13:36 19/06/2014

v tight spread
