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09:29 11/07/2014


09:29 11/07/2014

maybe a good price to get in at end of day, market may react monday?

09:29 11/07/2014

which is why one assumes she hasnt moved...

09:28 11/07/2014

RGM = all red ALL sells

09:27 11/07/2014

a lot of shares in HH now tho

09:26 11/07/2014

oright, well seems to b lagging

09:23 11/07/2014

indeed....so this looks like a massive spike for now....did u say .4 .5 it should settle at u think?

09:20 11/07/2014

yeah had a look at them...though not liking chart there...will keep an eye tho

09:18 11/07/2014

nice rise

09:18 11/07/2014

seems interesting this share
