JD's Posts

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16:21 25/07/2014

Weekend I'd rather spend time naked with Rolf Harris and Max Clifford than be out of these for the weekend

16:21 25/07/2014

a quote from someone on ROSE

16:20 25/07/2014

bring on next week

16:20 25/07/2014

ok mate.. u too!

16:19 25/07/2014

u guna jump back into RGM?

16:11 25/07/2014

buys still showing as sells....expect a good monday IMO

16:04 25/07/2014

STGR then, bring us NEWS!!!

16:01 25/07/2014

Laptop battery just went

16:01 25/07/2014

Lol 2x JD

16:00 25/07/2014

best £300 investment lol
