JD's Posts

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08:42 06/08/2014

its a hard one salop

08:37 06/08/2014

which tbh i have written off for a year i suppose i could use the rest to attempt to make money elsewhere...

08:36 06/08/2014

yeah fair enough...if it never recovers in forseable future i will half down, but if i sell now i will lose £2k

08:33 06/08/2014

lose alot?

08:33 06/08/2014

fair enough

17:15 05/08/2014


17:12 05/08/2014

yeah and is LSE is anything to go by...

17:10 05/08/2014

yeah...20p+ i think

17:09 05/08/2014

yeah fair enough...where do u think price is heading?

17:08 05/08/2014

