JD's Posts

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09:43 06/08/2014

hoping RXP bounces strongly

08:56 06/08/2014

fair one

08:52 06/08/2014

oh sorry i meant target prce?

08:47 06/08/2014

whats ur price salop?

08:47 06/08/2014

but will access as the day continues

08:47 06/08/2014

been good...want to reach 20-22p today...then will slice

08:46 06/08/2014

2 days ago....expecting the news next week with a massive ramp this week....but comes out yesterday...cant complain really

08:45 06/08/2014

if me....yeah i did

08:45 06/08/2014


08:43 06/08/2014

i will re-access the situation soon
