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08:11 13/08/2014

yeah its annoying...i want all news right now

08:10 13/08/2014

NK well RNS due i keep reading

08:09 13/08/2014

debating whethet to hold or sell RXP

08:09 13/08/2014

fair enough tho....will b worth more after HH

08:09 13/08/2014


08:09 13/08/2014

found quite a few buys whilst i was analysing the charts of all the oilies on my spreadsheet

08:08 13/08/2014


08:08 13/08/2014

cant b long now tho surely!

08:08 13/08/2014

would b perfect if it comes a week after HH and KEA

08:07 13/08/2014

yeah still hanging around
