WRES - huge stake building. see webcast in website, news due in sept worth 3p. sp now only 0.5p
WRES moving up now. see RNS yesterday and the person is still stake building till 10% stake at least. licence news expcted in sep. see webcast for CEO target of 3p. now still cheap at 0.45p and mcpa only 16m.
JLP huge mining licence within days - see iii post from director
see RNS in WRES- huge stake building. CEO target 3p in webcast. licence due next week? dyor
two shares that will do well and rerating in Sept are JLP and WRES. DYOR
superman - true, but before was without support of longterm player like MrScott in RNS today who is still stake building. anyway, each to their own.
superman, it has had its consolidation for the last week or so - see chart. with stake building continuing, will be hardly any drop, i can see 0.6p in the next few days.
RNS in WRES just now. CEO target 3p. now only 0.45p