jaja's Posts

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14:21 21/10/2015

SBLM news next week? moving up now

15:46 19/10/2015

... [link]

15:46 19/10/2015

/ [link]

15:46 19/10/2015
15:45 19/10/2015
14:35 19/10/2015

watch WRES... news next week

13:20 19/10/2015

WRES the next AFPO ??

13:20 19/10/2015

WRES ???

16:19 16/10/2015

then can come back to AFPO if sp is right

16:19 16/10/2015

sold mine..... got 2.2p. not bad. hopefully XTR, WRES and SBLM which expecting news next week will multibag.
