jaja's Posts

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13:16 08/04/2019

so, can we get to 15p by end of 2019 ?

15:17 17/12/2018

BMR out. those sells were from BMR... see LSE BB

22:39 13/12/2018

we should be adding more in JLP, at least we know the sp is around the bottom and several projects coming online soon

21:59 05/12/2018

iii board is dead, more active discussion in advfn and lse

22:04 21/09/2018

get in below radar BZT - about to heat up with Justin blogging on it and Nic chart next target 1p [link]

00:49 17/08/2018

we need to spread the words.. many are not in JLP as its not "popular"... spread the words to make this popular lol

01:10 12/12/2017

am buying more tomorrow. we are way too cheap. NEWS soon on Hernic

16:26 31/07/2017

buying more. Aug revenue expected to be double of July. see email from leon

11:55 26/06/2017


11:55 26/06/2017

wow, from negative 8% to almost flat. this is way oversolf
