Cheers Breezy, I'll look into ALK and let you know what I do. I'll post back on this board until such a time as it's closed and then I'll be over on JLP if you need to get hold of me. I'm looking at putting £1,500 a month (subject to funds being available) in between 15-30 stocks over the next 3 years with a bit of shuffling along the way. I'm not going to chase the multibagger like I did with BHR, if it happens great, but a few percent here and there will be my strategy moving forward. Spreading the risk is now the name of the game. have a great weekend, all the best idg69
Jesus buffet that's some exposure. I think sukithedog was in this for close to £100k from recollection. I don't know what the protocol is regarding certificates etc, I would take advice from your broker as to the best course of action. I trade on Halifax's iWeb platform and as of early this week there is no trace of my BHR holding of 3 million shares. My trading history is still there but all else has evaporated into thin air along with the last 4 years of hard earned cash. The very best of luck in all your future investments, and I mean that. Non of us deserved to loose our shirts on BHR, we may not have read the warning signs and may have relied on blind faith at times but we were all well and truly lied to by the board.
buffetinwaiting - what was your total exposure in BHR? If you can get your head around not seeing your BHR money again then I would do it rather quickly. Private Investors won't see a jot from the administrators I'm sorry to say. Some of the LSE boys are fighting hard but I'm not hopeful it will be fruitful.
Morning Breezy. Like yourself I have written this off now. I did my sums yesterday and I have lost £44,300 since Aug 2013 - just to think what I cold have done with that money now makes me sick to my stomach. Still I have my health an no debt, bar a small mortgage. I'm starting a fresh this year but will be spreading my risk across a few stocks. I have started with Ubisense at 95p and Jubilee Platinum at 1.5p with a couple of thousand on each at this stage. I was 45 just after Christmas so I can use the next 5 years to rebuild things before I hit 50. I hope your future share dabblings are succesful and we can all learn from BHR. You and I played the same game on BHR and it cost us dearly. I really didn't care how long it took to get to tier 1, 2 or 3 years would have been fine by me, but going bust was my biggest fear and it came real. Keep in touch matey it's always good to hear from you. I'm on the JLP board just the one posting yesterday as nobody is posting on Ubisense.
Having lost a boatload on the train wreck that was BHR, I thought I would take some brave pills and pop my toe in the water with JLP. Hopefully he worst is behind them now and 2015 is going to be a turnaround year. I'm in for the medium to long term - 2-5 years so not too bothered about daily fluctuations.
Breezy, are you still logging on to this board or have you made a clean break and gone elsewhere?
buffetinwaiting - in terms of what we own, don't be surprised if BHR actually own nothing and MML own the mine and any assets. In terms of the train set valuation - there is no asset here as it was leased and subsequently sub-leased whilst these clowns ran the company into the ground. It is very painful I know but please get your head into a place where you can accept you aren't going to see a single penny back on BHR. I'm genuinely not being rude or arrogant when I say this, but we private investors are dead and buried when it comes to this share.
Evening Breezy, good to hear from you my friend but sorry in the way this has turned out. Blind faith kept me pumping money into this bucket despite it being full of holes. Though the board lied through their back teeth about the true state of affairs. They are devious beyond belief and I suspect the mine (only asset) has been ring fenced and kept separate to BHR for administration purposes. I'm starting a fresh with a new portfolio this year and will be spreading my risk across 5 companies in various market sectors, I won't being doing all the eggs in one basket trick again. Good luck in your future ventures and hope our paths cross on other company boards. I'm watching Ubisense very carefully at the moment - outstanding product in a growing market place with a very low market cap at the moment. They are generating cash but are not cashflow positive at the moment and could be a big takeover target for the likes of GEC or Seimens in a year or two. All the best idg69
buffetinwaiting - any posts on this board don't get seen by either LSE or Interactive Investor boards. Haven't posted for a while as I'm switching off to BHR. I'm a glass half empty person when it comes to BHR and feel no matter what the action group do there will be no money coming to private investors. I have lost £31k on this turkey and £48k on the markets in total over the last 18 months so would love something back but it's just not going to happen in my opinion. I wish everyone the very best of luck in any future investments but don't cling on to the hope of getting any form of return from BHR.
What a sad day for a company with such great potential but never realised by the BoD. I have lost a considerable sum on this - over 5 years of savings, but only have myself to blame for leaping in head first and not spreading my risk. I'd all but written this off last year so my head is in an OK place right now whilst my wallet isn't. I'm genuinely sorry for all those that have lost money on this turkey, it should never have come to this.