IanH's Posts

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14:24 22/04/2014

Mani - I was credit 3k with them but QPP took me to to a 6k loss, therefore -3k in the bank - however they told me previously they would call or text me if things got that bad, and they didn't, they just closed the lot leaving me 3k owing. Is this right?

14:21 22/04/2014

is anyone else here on the spreads and please can they advise? surely my positions shouldn't be automatically closed until the end of trading day?

14:17 22/04/2014

guys is there any chance this gets to 33p by the end of the day?

14:13 22/04/2014

35p now, lets time it...

14:00 22/04/2014

what happens if shares are suspended? at what price would they re-open and when?

14:00 22/04/2014

I now owe 4k to the spread firm because of the libellous actions of a website, and the spread firms not letting it run to end of day which is what they are supposed to do

14:00 22/04/2014

I now owe 4k to the spread firm because of the libellous actions of a website, and the spread firms not letting it run to end of day which is waht they are supposed to do

13:59 22/04/2014

why is there no QPP statement? surely their FTSE plans are up in smoke now so shouldn't they be making noises?

13:56 22/04/2014

this is surely illegal?

13:55 22/04/2014

where is a QPP announcement?
