IanH's Posts

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12:01 23/04/2014

I accept upd and downs, but in my opinion my position was fine give or take 7pts either way, am yet to recover mentally

11:57 23/04/2014

Annoys me when people say no-one lost anything. I now owe 4k to spreads because of this illegal activity.

11:51 23/04/2014

Brink - very good question

10:57 23/04/2014

Marcopolis - thats my point. No-one believes it yet £1bn was wiped off? Obviously some do believe it!

10:54 23/04/2014

I'm going to sound ignorant, but why would a multi-deal company fully audited by KPMG suffer so much from a random blog post that contains no facts? It makes no sense that something a child could knock up in his bedroom using Google can wipe £1bn off the value?

10:43 23/04/2014

the fact Cawkwell resorted to such behaviour simply highlights what a good proposition QPP is, he was obviously soiling his huge y-fronts in the knowledge QPP was heading for 50p+

10:41 23/04/2014

Cawkwell makes me puke - no thought for the everyday man who finds himself thousands in debt because of him

10:03 23/04/2014

I'd like to find the author and tell him my kids can't have a holiday because he is a c***

10:02 23/04/2014

the worry today comes when the US wake up and those criminals get on their keyboards...

09:59 23/04/2014

what effect does yesterday have on FTSE submission? is there a certain value/level the stock needs to reach?
