My guess is QPP have started this rumour themselves in the same way Gotham made up all their lies. Just a theory.
I have no doubt this will hit 35 in the next six weeks, however as I'm on the spreads my concern is that the criminals will again violate this share down to 15 and I will have lost the lot. Again. Really want to go in again but after being burnt i'm in two minds...
Can someone answer the following please: Am I right in saying that once in the FTSE, bear attacks like we've seen will not and cannot happen? ie the only thing severely affecting the SP good or bad is the performance of the company itself? Would appreciate any answers to this.
the question is how low will this go before it gets to where we know it will get. 18p? 15p? lower?
masterswordsman - is that another version of majorpr*** ?
why would shorters be nervous? they've done their dirty work, made their money, and ridden off into the sunset
sutherland - i think we'd all be happy with a 35p party right now!
To put this into context - when will QPP first be able to post real cash profits? Can anyone advise? Once that happens there is no going back.