IanH's Posts

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10:29 16/05/2014

I'd be fine with this just staying at 21-22 right through until main market to be honest. One thing we never seem to have is stability!

10:28 16/05/2014

ah Hannah we missed you. love how it dropping from 234 to 59 still wasn't enough for you.

09:52 16/05/2014

...as opposed to being long at 41p a month ago and getting screwed!

09:51 16/05/2014

As long as this never dips below 10p I'm OK for now....I'm long at 21.11p

09:48 16/05/2014

martingale - I would definitely offer to try and land a 747 if a) I had a parachute and b) you were in the plane

09:36 16/05/2014

who rated this as a 'sell' yesterday?!

09:12 16/05/2014

this would be acceptable in the 80s

14:24 15/05/2014

Galactus please expand - how do we know that?

14:19 15/05/2014

Half a point a day is ideal - means in 157 days we'll reach £1!! If only life were so simple...

13:39 15/05/2014

now we're excited about 72? this was 78 earlier and should have gone up into the 80s. this was once 200+!!!!!
