IanH's Posts

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17:10 20/06/2014

has this suddenly shot up to 255p? says so on GA

16:38 20/06/2014

I do think even the hardened pro_QPP on here have to realise this. we know the fundamentals are great, we know this, that and the other is coming in 3, 6, 12 months time HOWEVER while these shorters are around it makes no difference. we could announce Google are taking us over for £5bn and the shorters would still find a way to surpress. that for me, and the threat any time, any day of an attack that could wipe me out is what makes me very, very frustrated. feedback please?

16:06 20/06/2014

Quidditch makes an excellent point - every time we are told to wait for something, it either doesnt come or it does come and the shorters bring the SP down. How and when can this ever end? Q4 results?

16:02 20/06/2014

a takeover would be awesome for all concerned

15:34 20/06/2014

L2 info anyone please?

15:31 20/06/2014

what would be better is the 3m extra shares being bought so the SP goes up

14:35 20/06/2014

do we have dates for H1 and Q3 reports? Is the flat cash flow for Q3 an improvement on Q2? ie has it been negative?

14:21 20/06/2014

L2 anyone please?

14:08 20/06/2014

...am relatively safe until 200p

14:08 20/06/2014

alpha - still panicking until I see 270p+ regularly for a few days!
