honestinjun1's Posts

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10:25 28/05/2014

buys coming in

09:08 28/05/2014

will revive later methinks ASTAR on the move too...

09:04 28/05/2014

here go after 9am

09:03 28/05/2014

Strong buys

08:45 27/05/2014

Still can't trade HL!!

08:23 27/05/2014

Can't trade on HL

16:32 23/05/2014

It's been a gas. GLA

16:17 23/05/2014

buy dip yer bread

14:13 23/05/2014

I'm going out for a walk and letting this baby run...

14:10 23/05/2014

2.90 buy
