hellyes's Posts

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08:45 27/03/2018

Like many posters I was really disappointed to read yesterday's update but like some of the most recent posts I can't understand it. Surely the refinery particularly if its CEPSA wouldn't want to 'throw the baby out with the bath water'. IF the project makes commercial sense why put a 1st April deadline on the signing. Maybe someone will enlighten me but something doesn't add up here?

16:25 06/10/2017

I had a reply from QFI IR on 20/9 confirming the news given 10/8 that the RSA project would commence later this year.

14:10 31/05/2017

Quite right fyoz, I asked QFI IR this exact question over 3 weeks ago and have yet to receive an answer. I have asked again and will post any reply!
