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00:19 16/02/2015

The DSO was never taken advantage of because I'd the metallurgy and that is why they failed.

00:17 16/02/2015

I really feel for everyone that has been burned by this but the course of legal action you are planning to take is destined to fail. Every junior mining company would have done exactly the same thing. Thus a precedent is set. You cannot win by taking that path. The only path you have is why the metallurgical work was never done correctly in the first place

22:44 13/02/2015

Also for example about quality of ore deposits i know of one thta is 2.4 billion proven and 6 billion probable of 40% magnetite that a major walked away from as it was not good enough

22:41 13/02/2015

am posting. I am trying to help all of the PI's by pointing you in the direction of the metallurgy and why it wasn't completed correctly in the first place. if it had then the issues with the de sliming would never ave had the effect on the operations that they have.

22:37 13/02/2015

Longfell I am sorry you are taking my comments the way you are as they are not meant to insult anyone. i take no satisfaction from what i

20:45 13/02/2015

I am not an employee of AML but have some knowledge of the operations in West Africa. 90% of AML''s ore body is 30% not 70% look at their presentations. Only after benefication do their grades increase. Simandou is much higher grade and mostly true DSO. They dig it crush it put it on a conveyor to the rail head. Plus they are building a 100 million tonne per year mine.

15:00 13/02/2015

For AML to be successful they needed to be a 50 million tonne per year operation and to make an impact on the majors a 100 million tonne per year operation. The rail at AML is supposed to be 25 m but in reality it will struggle to consistently ship 20 as it is too narrow a gauge with too few passing points. On top of this there are numerous problems with the communities along the rail route that often lead to disruptions to the rail continuity. The metallurgy was never done properly and the plant that was constructed was a copy of a Chinese plant hence all the problems with the ore and the de sliming issues. The DSO was never and will never be DSO as it requires significant treatment. It is still unknown if the plant can even treat the main ore body as the metallurgical work was never completed on the two different types of ore the constitute the bulk of the ore body. While iron ore was above 150 a tonne none of this mattered as they would have had time to work it all out as they went along but with the collapse of the price they found themselves caught with no way out. In mining you have to be either small and cost effective or large and gain the significant benefits of quantity of scale. AML is neither of these with high overheads because of the size and location and neither the grade or tonnes to allow for survival during inevitable price fluctuations.

14:42 13/02/2015

I see many people in this steam wondering why BHP Vale or Rio don't get involved with this operation. The answer to this is simple, the ore body and assets are nowhere near good enough for any of these majors to be even slightly interested. It is a very low grade deposit with high levels of contaminants. This means there will always be significant benediction costs as a well as significant penalties from smelters for compensation for the contaminants. Simandou as a comparison is 55-60% grade with almost no contaminants and the reason why Rio are developing this resource is solely to prevent anyone else getting it as it has the size to affect global markets if developed correctly. For AML to be successful and to aal

14:32 13/02/2015

Very sorry to see so many investors get burned by this company
