HamptonCaught's Posts

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13:50 07/10/2015

Probably not a huge issue, but given the VW scandal, the word 'diesel' is fast becoming a very dirty one (no pun intended). If the media continues to get very negative towards diesel, could this have an effect on PPG's SP, as they're generating using diesel engines?

13:54 05/10/2015

I'm viewing this as the new Alkane Energy (ALK) which I'm convinced would have been a great long term bet had Balfour Beatty not come along. Anyway, I'm now into PPG at £1.60p and look forward to a pleasant ride! Admire those of you that saw the potential much earlier.

12:31 16/09/2015

I'll be disappointed at 36p simply because I'm convinced that Alkane would have performed over the next couple of years. I'd love to see a counter offer, but can understand where the current board are coming from.

17:53 01/04/2015

Down we go again - another 2.3% today. I have so much faith in this company, but a little bit of me is starting to wonder if it's misplaced.

16:51 23/01/2015

A RISE!!! A mere 0.56%, but a rise nonetheless and not something we've seen from Alkane for some time. I feel a glass of Whisky coming on tonight.

17:00 21/01/2015

Just had my notification of the offer which if nothing else, at least puts a timescale on things. 0.5719 Ophir shares for every Salamander share. Deadline is 3rd February, new shares will be active from 2nd March.,

17:03 24/11/2014

pyueck - great post. If nothing else, you've made me feel a little better about things!

14:18 24/11/2014

One of my worst decisions in life was probably buying these shares. Absolute misery. Commiserations to everyone who's in the same boat.

10:39 21/11/2014

Hugely underwhelming figures from Ophir which must leave shareholders hoping that SONA is spending all weekend planning a counter bid. SMDR seems happy to accept the Ophir offer, but it's not the deal any of us were looking for. Interesting that Ophir's SP is taking a hammering today as well. I'm at the stage where I'd like out now and at least this gives me the chance to get out with a decent profit, albeit, it could be so much better.

16:47 20/11/2014

Fell back to 92.00p at close - up 3.75p. God alone knows with this one.
