georgehissi's Posts

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08:49 14/09/2015

I've got JLP aswell, should rocket when news comes in

08:32 12/09/2015

cattleman, where do you see the stock in a few years?

08:29 12/09/2015

Is 5p a good place to leave?

17:03 11/09/2015

do you guys think 5p is a good place to slice 50%? i'm a first time trader

16:55 11/09/2015

is it too late to buy?

10:36 11/09/2015

African Potash, the AIM listed exploration company focused on sub-Saharan potash assets and the vertical integration of fertiliser operations, is pleased to announce that it has appointed Loita Capital Partners International Limited ("Loita") as the Company's exclusive investment banking advisor and lead arranger to advise on, structure and conclude a US$50 million finance facility (the "Financing") to underpin the Company's trading agreement with COMESA/ACTESA

10:35 11/09/2015

Sorry wrong chat

10:34 11/09/2015

African Potash, the AIM listed exploration company focused on sub-Saharan potash assets and the vertical integration of fertiliser operations, is pleased to announce that it has appointed Loita Capital Partners International Limited ("Loita") as the Company's exclusive investment banking advisor and lead arranger to advise on, structure and conclude a US$50 million finance facility (the "Financing") to underpin the Company's trading agreement with COMESA/ACTESA

08:48 11/09/2015

Why is it going down? Im just a rookie.

13:58 10/09/2015

It says on my HL account it says 2.9
