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16 Feb 2014
10:52 25/01/2017

Hi guys. Yes indeed not many on this board but all the other discussion boards have been overtaken by posters various agendas. I do scroll through them all from time to time but best is probably to stay away. I started investing here 4y ago and had to average down multiple times to the point where Jubilee is almost my only holding. However this strategy has worked so far for me since my average is way below current price. Furthermore I do believe that we will be smiling in a year or two when we have activity on multiple dumps and the market can make a sound estimation of our value. My guess we will hear on Friday about Hernic but do not be surprised if they release only the necessary info. I have a feeling (and Colin mentioned this many times) that they keep their cards close to the chest for now.

12:03 09/09/2015

Me too...saw many traders come and go. We are about to hear from the CompCon in a week's time. Then all will fall in place.

12:00 09/09/2015

Extremely.... Try everythingjlp for serious discussions if you plan a significant long-term holding.

11:57 09/09/2015

Hi dude. I do not think the posters on either LSE or iii can read your posts unless you comment there directly. But indeed they are ramping on very low volume.

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