Pompous Jerk get to you... he is a TIT of the highest order.
I own over 1/2 m of these. I expect to see £1 by years end but then I expected that last year LOL!
Market clearly has no expectations at this point... and is usually completely wrong.
adjournment so that the judge can "study" the documents some more from a lounger in Jamaica
Oh THANK GOD! Somehow, however, I doubt that Pompus is gone for good. Remember kids... he is always right even when he sold CEY at 39p and said "Gold over $1331 is very, very unlikely..."
The last I heard CEY owns over 80% of Ampella with the takeup extended to March 24th. They will easily be at 90% then if not already. Delisting soon.
Shares always climb a wall of worry. Its a sign that we are moving the the right direction.
Like I said... Pompous is a tit of the highest caliber. Kick a man when he's down, Pompous. It makes you feel better.... tit.
Pompous... you are indeed a TIT of the highest caliber!