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faridameen's Posts

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15:53 15/10/2014

If BHR are doing soemthing illegal and contrary to the acts mentioned in this document they can get done by FSA!

15:52 15/10/2014

If anyone likes, they can go to website and to 'Documents' and search for ShareDealingCode.pdf

15:45 15/10/2014

i have a feeling this might rise tomorrow... or on friday!

14:18 15/10/2014


14:05 15/10/2014

Or you all might wake up one morning to find the SP has shot up to 1p...? This is whats lingering in my head. Like what happened with LOND (and I know some of you have been saying this is not like LOND, but who expected LOND to jump from 0.12 to 1.45 and then to 5p. Its all a possibility, so those of you who are stuck in this, just be hopeful. Otherwise, just have to suck it in and sell, take whatever you can take and go to another opportunity... What else is due to happen? Either go up or company goes into sleep mode like Lond and wrn, but before that happened, there was a serious ramp up and pump to get as much value as possible for the Shares.

13:51 15/10/2014

you and everyone else in here breezy

12:28 15/10/2014

this is mental

12:28 15/10/2014

Such a shi**y feeling... I feel like I shouldnt have sold majority of my holdings!!! I feel like buying in again!

11:05 15/10/2014

Tempting... only to make up for the losses... But Im afraid of losing more than I can handle.

10:59 15/10/2014

Cant lose any more money, Im out until theres some kind of upward movement. Im so f***** off...
