A pretty lame update in today's RNS...
The shale producers raison d'etre is too subject to volatility in the price - sooner or later most will sink - you can't run a business on this scale with such capital requirements and long horizons on the basis of one factor (poo) being favourable now and again. The OPEC will ramp production up and down until no-one wants to finance shale anymore. TLW is a good bet for the patient investor able to play a long game imo due to quality proven assets in a low-cost prod.n environment. Yes, it has high debt levels but compared to its earnings they are manageable... my home loan is 20 years based on my net disposable income - TLW's only about 8 years... what's the problem??
Just as well I trusted my instincts and ignored Deutsche Bank ... as someone suggests below, DM's analysts must be lazy as several factors weren't properly taken into account with HFD - e.g. lumping them in with Next is asinine - people will buy a 3-pack of elasticated knickers online but they won't buy a 400-quid bike online - at least not en masse; yes HFD are "retail", but very different in the product and proposition. HFD have also wisely hedged their FX exposure but you would expect any serious, savvy, Brexit-aware company that buys in materials in a different currency to do so ... did Deutsche Bank assume they hadn't /wouldn't have thought of this/or DB didn't think of this themselves??? Says more about Deutsche Bank than HFD if you ask me. For another thing, anyone with 2 eyes (or even 1 eye) can see that cycling is on the increase as "a thing" (for several reasons incl. health, environment, time-management, commuting costs...] which speaks to the point about multiple businesses in one as someone mentioned below (though not 'heard here first' despite the claim) - yes, it is somewhat unusual in 2017 to have such an amalgam but it is very likely that the parts would be worth more as separate entities and so there is potential value to be unlocked there at some future point - but that's just another good reason to hold HFD - a second good business could easily be spun out and/or sold to a 3rd party... customer loyalty has significant potential value for a prospective online operator in car parts particularly . ... imo ... 6-month target for HFD has to be in the region of 425p. [Disclosure: own between 100 and 1000 shares in HFD.
TLW looks well positioned now with TEN prod.n coming on stream as long as the debt profile is managed down. For the shorters to win here TLW needed to have significant technical /operational setbacks and/or its bankers to pull the plug over the last 12 - 18 mth difficult period but neither has happened and it's largely out of the woods now with the imminent revenues from TEN. Rate it a but not without a few risks still but disproportionately large reward potential imo.
Things seem to be going in a positive direction with PTR
Positive RNS yesterday. Production up in more meaningful way than any recent past RNS's and more direct, informative communication style is apparent in the wording. Maybe PTR has finally turned the corner with some possible help from new BOD members...
Better inside with some influence than outside with none...
well, well, well... (p.i.).. looks like peace has broken out between and board and the Ruskiis...