Share price in free fall again, investors becoming aware of how Foo shows two fingers to the shareholders while uploading his massively increased remunerations into his bank account.
Will be a buy if Foo guarantees no more dilution at the AGM.
Kev is an accomplished bullshitter who has been sussed and needs sacking. until then VOG is for fools.
Foo is the albatross around our neck, and should be discarded ASAP.
Next support level 37p, cash in till then. Hopefully Foo resigns at the AGM.
Foo is simply not trustworthy. He and his board of yes men are laughing at the long suffering share holders.
Mr Foo's silence on the rapidly diminishing share value speaks volumes.
Where has all the money gone? There should be an independent investigation, something stinks.
When will VOG long term holders unite to oust greedy idiot Foo?
Another one runs for the hills, like me, he has seen through Foo's bluster and lies. We need rid of Foo.