Duffer's Posts

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11:29 03/02/2016

Foo won't relinquish his grip on VOG as long as the shareholders allow him free access to plunder the till.

19:41 01/02/2016

Foo really knows how to milk VOG.

12:12 25/01/2016

Foo and the BOD have got the shareholders stitched up all ways, excessive salaries, bonuses, royalties, and cheap shares to facilitate shorting.

16:21 22/01/2016

Another fake interview scripted by Foo's writers.

23:28 20/01/2016

Foo sets the questions for the interviewer to ask on these videos so we're only told the bits he wants us to know.

12:40 16/01/2016

Foo's surreptitious manipulation of his shareholding shows how devious he is towards the shareholders.

11:30 02/01/2016

Thanks to Foo's ploy of consolidation the share price can continue to fall well below its pre consolidation low, and enable Foo to issue many more millions of shares at a bargain price to the next intake of mugs.

08:56 29/12/2015

It is rapidly becoming obvious, VOG is run by a bunch of wide boy spivs for their own benefit.

13:00 23/12/2015

Still, Mr Foo is doing quite nicely.

15:48 21/12/2015

VOG, now seems to be the property of, The Foo Mannheim and Palmer Fingers In The Till Club.
