Duffer's Posts

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08:27 12/04/2016

Greedy Foo and the directors are VOG shareholders main concern and should be replaced with honest men of repute and interest in the shareholder value, not only their own ridiculously massive remuneration. This company should not only be run as their personal gravy train

11:25 09/04/2016

This company appears to be run solely for the satiation of the greed of the CEO and directors via extra share issues. Expect much more dilution in the coming years

20:20 18/02/2016

VOG shares never recover value after dilution.

15:30 12/02/2016

Foo cannot be relied on to be totally truthful, he has been misleading trusting investors for many years, whilst he and the BOD live the high life on investoes savings.

13:52 09/02/2016

Foo's laughing with his salary, bonus's, and royalties must be making $1,000,000, a year. No worries about the share price for him.

17:05 08/02/2016

This is a share for mugs, falling for eight years despite Foo's claims. Only him and the BOD make money on this, they are worse than Lenigas.

15:48 05/02/2016

Is Chairman Foo cheating the shareholders, with his massive self empowered,salary, bonuses, and royalties? Not to mention Mannheim etc.

20:21 04/02/2016

Foo and the BOD are taking the Mick. They are taking higher salaries than the Prime Minister.

12:12 04/02/2016

What Foo is doing, seems like legalised embezzling.

19:32 03/02/2016

VOG won't pay dividends until we have a CEO and BOD with a conscience.
