Duffer's Posts

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17:37 24/07/2016

Foo's total remunerations amount to many millions too much, at the shareholders cost. Very shady character indeed.

He's bleeding the company to much, depriving shareholders.

19:18 19/07/2016

Foo's royalties are depriving investors of dividends.

23:01 17/07/2016

Quarterly update well overdue as usual. Very poor show.

18:31 15/07/2016

Most LT shareholders have realised VOG is regarded as a cash-cow by Foo and the directors, the shareholders nothing but a nuisance, but can be taxed when the coffers run down. The CEO and BOD don't worry about the share price as they receive massive salaries and bonuses.

11:14 15/07/2016

Foo, is the only thing holding the share price back.

13:56 14/07/2016

Another overpaid snout in the trough. Why?

10:47 18/06/2016

VOG, the money pit for investors and cash cow for directors.

10:01 11/06/2016

Shelve any bonus plans until the all investors Foo has duped over the last 9 years have been fully reimbursed, that would in my case require a share price of £2.25p.

08:12 27/05/2016

Foo and his board of cronies are more committed to their bank balances, than the shareholder value. People are reluctant to buy with these greedy snouts in the trough.
