moni has targets to get the sp to 68p by Dec 2018 if EB wants her LTIP award of 5 million moni shares, for lee cameron sp to be 55p by DEC 2016 if he want fs part of his 4 million shares, and for brad pretzer sp need to be 75p for him to be awarded with 500k of shares, so for the investors who got in at the top of 80p and averaging 80p better average up/double up now or wait for a lower price and do it because one of the CEO sp target will be reach by 2018 and 55p will be the most likely target
since qpp suspeneded shorters now increase shorting on moni, tung, opay, cbuy, blnx etc
Glassdoor review of moni well its all the same score for optimal payments, tungsten, globo etc
£43k is that how much EB salary for being CEO? which is lower than her peers
telling by the charts theres going to be a big bounce and then a secondary bounce, best double up/average it or fill your boots gla
bank shares like BNC been falling for the past week and now rising and i am sure moni will follow soon as its very over sold and needs a big bounce before sp going lower again, if you look at the charts theres a pattern of where the sp is heading up or down
look at premier foods, taylor wimpey, thomas cook group and etc their sp dropped to pennies and now look at their sp they recovered, so just leave the moni shares in the bottom draw and come back in 2018 and the shares will be worth at least 50p
with the grexit expect sp to go down abit more this week around mid £8
oh no ebola has returned
there are signs telling you to get out while you can such as sp going down, chairman left, mr yat sold 100 millions shares, zimbabewee, don't trust the chinese, the chinese are ruthless and greedy they just want to have all resources to themselves, mwa turning into vgm, ami, might delist or even suspend trading if sp keep falling, this is all my opinion dyor