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01:35 26/09/2014

ebola - lond is in the same situation as ami so are are most west african companies

01:33 26/09/2014

not just debt and the chinese to worry about and ebola as well

03:14 25/09/2014

resistance at at 4.4p

01:48 25/09/2014

better bet with lond

01:37 25/09/2014

platinum is getting smashed and slp is keeping its sp up pretty well

01:35 25/09/2014

the directors want to buy at around 1p share and it will come true by the way they are managing this company

12:20 24/09/2014

fill your boots

12:25 23/09/2014

8p soon

12:21 23/09/2014

might be time to raise capital, refiance and thats means share dilution

12:13 23/09/2014

switch to jlp or aqp as they about to go up with volume buys
